The Light at Christmas
Light. It is a key element of the Christmas season. Candles in windows, bulbs on a tree, multi-colored, white, off-white, blinking, steady and shining; light is integral to Christmas.
Light. It is a key element of the Christmas season. Candles in windows, bulbs on a tree, multi-colored, white, off-white, blinking, steady and shining; light is integral to Christmas.
Written by Kris Wilder, Ministry Assistant “Bend your knees” “Weight on your shins” “To turn left, turn your right ski left” “To turn right, turn your left ski right” “And don’t forget to put all your weight on the ski you are turning” “Fall to the left or right, not forward or backward” “If you […]
Written by: Bob DeAngelo, Pastor of Youth and Outreach I don’t know that I love to read…but I do know that I love to learn. I get absolutely giddy at the thought of opening my mind up to new ways of thinking, differing perspectives, and thoughts that I had not previously considered. In fact, the […]
Okay, I’ll admit it, this is by far one of my favorite times of the year.
Football games that start to really matter.
Basketball season begins.
Cool weather blows in.
Thanksgiving with family is just around the corner.
Christmas music starts playing everywhere.
And just the whole “fall” thing—except cider—I can’t stand cider…
But one of my favorite parts is the walk from my car to the front door of the school.
written by Pastor Bob Vradenburgh, Senior Pastor Some of the most misunderstood and misapplied verses in the Bible are Jesus’ words to His disciples recorded in John 16:7-11. This passage contains an amazing promise about the future ministry of the Holy Spirit upon unbelievers (the “world”). These words must be understood in light of what […]
Prayer is communicating with God. In its simplest definition, prayer is talking to God. I would say that prayer is talking to God about what is important to God and what is important to me. Prayer is where we invite God into our everyday lives. People talk about having a “personal relationship with God”; I don’t think that a person can say that without a consistent prayer life.
While it is easy for us to find our identity in what we do, I am so thankful that earning God’s acceptance is not based on my performance, but based on the perfect performance of Jesus Christ. His love for me is not based on a job title, but based on my being His child. And as His child, I often choose temporal over eternal investments, yet God’s love for me remains the same. And I have found that the motivating desire to invest in the eternal is birthed out of the knowledge that God will accept and love me even if I fail.
For me, 2017 was a banner year when it came to reading. All said and done, I read more this year than any other year in times past. As they say, “Readers are leaders.” This is a good time of year to set goals for the upcoming year, and so here are the top books […]
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