The Light at Christmas

written by David McClain, Student Life Director of Friendship Christian School
It is a key element of the Christmas season. Candles in windows, bulbs on a tree, multi-colored, white, off-white, blinking, steady and shining; light is integral to Christmas.
In John 3:19, we read, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
Jesus came to bring the light of God’s truth into the world in a direct form.
Sometimes, I get comments because I like to have the lights off in my office. After a few hours, they give me a headache so I like to keep them off when I can to get a break. This verse tells us that men react the way they do to Jesus because His light exposed their true selves, and they weren’t having that.
With my job, I see this same thing in school. When I begin class with a brief devotion, there are some students that get so uncomfortable; they start digging in their binders, ripping paper, making noises, or just showing general disdain or discomfort with being exposed to His light.
Also, in chapel, when we stop to focus directly on God’s Word and truth, they cannot handle it. Interestingly enough, I was just discussing with another staff member about how general misbehavior amongst students tends to increase as we come to this time. Now, it could be the distraction of Christmas break, but I think it has more to do with the fact that the closer we get to The Light, the more unsettled some people become.
The same streetlight that causes a criminal to shrink back or find another avenue will also provide great comfort and a sense of security to those who are not seeking to do harm. As we draw closer to the celebration of that great light of God’s love expressed in Jesus, let me ask you:
- Do you feel uncomfortable in His presence, or do you find great security and a sense of peace?
- Do you desire to run to it or try to hide from it as often as possible?
If you have never admitted that you are a sinner in need of a savior and called upon the name of Christ to be that Savior, made Him the LORD of your life and started filling your heart with His light and love for you, don’t put it off any longer. Do it now. Today. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. If you have questions or need some help, we would be happy to talk to you directly.