Ordinary Men, Extraordinary God: Remembering the Five

Jan 08, 2025, Christian Living

On January 8, 1956, five young missionaries gave their lives while reaching out to the Waodani (Auca) people of Ecuador.

Their story is a powerful testimony of sacrifice and unwavering obedience to Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.

Despite knowing the risks, these men pressed on, driven by the love of Christ and the conviction that no life is beyond the transforming power of the Gospel.

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5 Ways to Use Christmas Cards for Prayer and Ministry All Year Long

Dec 17, 2024, Christian Living

Every year, my fridge and dining room hutch start filling up with Christmas cards—some with beautiful family photos, others with heartfelt messages. It’s such a joy to hear from friends and family, near and far. But as the season wraps up, I’ve found myself wanting these cards to become more than just festive décor.

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The Unexpected Tomato

Dec 10, 2024, Christian Living

Life’s surprises can leave us feeling disappointed, like expecting a sweet grape but getting a tomato instead.

This Christmas, discover how true peace comes from trusting God’s perfect will, even in the unexpected.

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Daily Scripture for a Week of Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2024, Christian Living

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. — Psalm 103:1-2

As we approach Thanksgiving, join us on a seven-day journey of gratitude, reflecting on God’s blessings and provisions. Each day, meditate on the following scripture passages to nurture a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving.

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The Beauty of Brotherly Kindness: Cultivating True Christian Kindness

In a world that often celebrates individual achievement, Christian kindness calls us to something greater: a humble, selfless love for one another.

As we wrap up National Kindness Week, let’s look closely at the unique qualities and the practical truths of “brotherly kindness”—a virtue that not only strengthens our relationships but also serves as a powerful witness to the world around us.

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Unpacking the G.O.A.T. of Scripture

The term G.O.A.T., which stands for the “Greatest of All Time,” ignites debates across numerous areas of expertise.

Who is the greatest classical composer? Mozart, Bach, or Beethoven?

Who’s the G.O.A.T. of U.S. Presidents? Think about the faces on Mount Rushmore: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson.

In the NBA, the age-old argument continues—who’s the greatest? King James (LeBron) or Michael Jordan?

But today, I want to take that question into a different realm.

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Changing Seasons, Unchanging God

Life is full of change.

Just as nature goes through seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter, we too experience seasons in our lives. Some are filled with joy, growth, and abundance, while others are marked by challenges, loss, or waiting.

But through every shift and transition, there is one truth we can hold onto: God never changes—He is always the same.

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The Joy of Digging Deeper

Without the intake of Scripture—I’ll be left to my own reasoning and be easily influenced by the culture around me.

I’ll become stagnant in my walk with God. My spiritual growth will be stunted, and I’ll drift into sin.

I’ll become apathetic to eternal and spiritual things while growing in my love for things that are on earth. 

I’ll operate in arrogance and independence, thinking I don’t really need God that much—like I desperately do.

As we wrapped up our most-recent ladies’ Bible study, an inductive look at the book of Titus, I thought about what made the study so special.

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Christian Camp and the Church: A Winning Partnership

Christian camp can lay a foundation, but it’s up to the Church to build off of that foundation and continue to disciple, to support, and to train that young person for Christ. The Wilds acknowledges this, and they do a wonderful job helping refresh and prepare the sponsors during that week to be ready to continue with the camp decisions well after camp.

So here we are—several weeks removed from camp, and we’re needing to continue to keep that flame that they had at camp into this school year and help it become a life-shaping experience for them.

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What’s More Important? The ABCs or the CCCs?

Aug 05, 2024, Christian Living

Welcome to the end of summer! No more lazy days by the pool or late nights chasing fireflies. Nope, it’s time for backpacks, pencils, notebooks, and day planners.

Like it or not, summer’s ending and the school year is upon us.

Whether we homeschool, private school, or send our kids to public school, the nine months of the school calendar are, in my opinion, nine of the most distracting months in our parenting year.

Unfortunately, the distracting nature of the ABCs too often causes us to neglect the need to concentrate on the more important CCCs.

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.